Qooder Parts Finder

Cookies Policy


Data Controller representative of the Data Controller and data processors

The data controller is Qooder SA with registered office in Vacallo (Switzerland) Via dei Lauri 4 in the person of the legal representatives pro tempore e-mail: privacy@qooder.com (the "Controller") or the “Company”).

Pursuant to art. 27 of the Regulation EU 2016/679 (the “Regulation”) we have appointed as the representative established in the EU territory for the purposes of applying the regulations on the processing of personal data Qooder Italia S.r.l. with registered office in Como Via Volta 66 Tax Code VAT number and listing number in the Como Companies Register no. 03434900134.The representative can be contacted at privacy@qooder.com.

Some external subjects (natural and legal persons) have also been appointed as data processors who provide specific services or related instrumental or support activities to those we provide the complete list of which can be consulted by sending a specific request to privacy@qooder.com


What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files saved by the Website or by third parties in the Internet access device(computer tablet mobile phone etc.) of visitors to the Website to be then retransmitted to the same Website upon the next visit by the same visitor.

This information may relate to the visitor or device and is mainly used to adapt the operation of a website to the visitor's expectations offering a more personalised browsing experience and storing the choices made previously.



Type of cookies

Technical cookies

They are used for the sole purpose of transmitting a communication over an electronic communications network or as strictly necessary for the provider of an information company service explicitly requested by the user to provide the service. Their storage in the device does not require the user's prior consent.


They are used to collect and analyse statistical information on access to a website to ascertain how visitors use it in order to be able to evaluate and improve its functioning and to collect information on the quality of the browsing offered.

If they do not appear to be direct and univocal identifiers of a particular subject (that is to say they do not allow direct identification of the data subject) they are equivalent to technical  cookies and their use does not require any consent from the user.

Profiling cookies

They are aimed at creating profiles relating to the visitor and are used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed during browsing. They can only be used with the express consent of the data subject.


Session cookies

They are stored during a browsing session which expire and are normally deleted at the end of the session itself. The Website uses session cookies to follow the use made of the Website during a single browsing session and to help visitors use the Website more easily.

Persistent cookies

They are stored during a browsing session and are intended to remain on the device even after the session has ended. They allow the device to be recognised when it is used to log in again essentially to help the visitor quickly reconnect to the Website. They are also used by the Website for analysis purposes.


Proprietary cookies (first party)

They are saved by the Website to record the movements made by the visitor. They are mainly used to manage the Website and to collect data that allow the services offered to be improved.

Third-party cookies

They are linked to a different subject who installs them on the user's terminal through the website manager.


Cookies used by this website

The Website uses the cookies reported in the tables below for the purposes indicated therein.

Proprietary and third-party cookies are used.


How can cookies be disabled?

It is possible to intervene on the transmission of cookies and to prevent their installation or storage by  modifying the browser configuration to block certain types. For detailed information on the necessary procedure refer to the browser guide used. However please note that this block risks significantly limiting the ease of use of the Website. Furthermore some functions of the Website may not work properly if acceptance of the cookies is disabled.


Purpose and legal basis of the processing

The Data Controller will process the personal data obtained from technical cookies only to allow user navigation and the possibility of using the related services on the Website .It is possible to set the browser to block these cookies but as a consequence some parts of the Website may not function properly. Their storage in the device does not require the user's consent.

With reference to analytics cookies if they do not allow identification of the user but only the processing of aggregate statistics they are equivalent to technical cookies and therefore their storage in the device does not require the user's consent. If instead they allow the identification of the user consent will be requested.

As for marketing or profiling cookies they can only be installed with the user's consent which can be revoked at any time.


Scope of communication and dissemination of personal data

The personal data are processed by the designated personnel who need to have knowledge of them in the execution of their activities duly appointed as the subject authorised for processing by the Data Controller or by external managers Treatment.

Furthermore in carrying out its business for the execution of the obligations established by the applicable laws or regulations or to fulfil your specific requests we may communicate your personal data to subjects whose intervention is strictly functional to the execution of the requested service. Your consent is not required for this type of communication as the processing is aimed at fulfilling the requested service or at complying with the legal or regulatory obligations.

The subjects listed operate in some cases as external data processors appointed for this purpose and in other cases as independent data controllers issuing in this case a specific policy. Should you wish to know in detail the subjects to whom the data may be communicated you can write to privacy@qooder.com.

In no case will personal data be disclosed by  us.


Transfer of data abroad

Personal data may be transferred outside Switzerland or to countries outside the European Union provided that the European Commission has established that these countries outside the European Union guarantee an adequate level of protection for the data being transferred or by providing suitable and appropriate protection measures to protect personal data and the transfer of the same in accordance with the applicable laws such as for example the adoption of standard contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission pursuant to art. 45 and 46 of the Regulation.


Data retention period

Session cookies expire at the end of a browser session (usually when the browser is closed or the session expires).The retention period of persistent cookies is equal to the duration indicated in the tables below.


Rights of the data subject

You can ask the Data Controller at any time:

- confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning you is being processed and in this case to obtain access to the following information:(i) the purposes of the processing (ii) the categories of personal data processed (iii) the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be communicated in particular if recipients of third countries or international organisations (iv) whenever possible the retention period of the personal data provided or if not possible the criteria used to determine this period (v) the existence of an automated decision-making process including profiling the logic used the importance and consequences expected (right of access);

-      the correction of inaccurate personal data or the integration of incomplete data (right of correction);

-      the deletion of personal data (right of deletion);

-      the limitation of the processing of personal data (right of limitation).

Furthermore you have the right to:

-      object to the processing including the related profiling possibly based on our legitimate interest if the data are processed for the purpose of direct marketing (right to object);

-      withdraw consent to the processing at any time without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation;

-      submit complaints to the competent supervisory authorities if you believe that the processing violates the privacy law.

To exercise your rights as well as for any information you can send an email to privacy@qooder.com.Furthermore if you are in the EU territory and the processing activities concern the offer of goods or the provision of services you can also contact the representative of the Data Controller. in the EU at the addresses indicated above.


Update: 31 January 2022